Residential Lockbox Program

Residential Emergency Lockbox Program

The Residential Emergency Lockbox Program is intended to provide Police, Fire and Rescue personnel access to your residence in the event of an emergency where you are unable to open the door. A key to your residence will be stored in a secure metal storage device, similar to a realtor's lock box, near the entrance to your residence. Access to the locked box would only be available to authorized members of the Charlestown Police, Fire and Rescue services and ONLY DURING AN EMERGENCY.

All residents of the Town of Charlestown who are 65 and older or have special needs or a major medical disability are eligible to participate. The program is free and the lockbox will be maintained by the Charlestown Police Department.

  • Lockbox Flyer
  • Please contact Officer Gentile if you have any questions or you are interested in participating in the program.

    Officer Paul Gentile
    Phone: (401) 213-6919